5. December 2021
Silent Night Postage Stamp 2021
Silent Night Postage Stamp 2021 showing the Oberndorfer Nativity Crib in Ried
The Nativity Crib in the Innviertler Volkskundehaus, part of the Silent Night community of Ried im Innkreis, is subject of the Silent Night Postage Stamp 2021. This Oberndorfer Crib was restored and newly-presented for the 200-year celebrations in 2018. The carol “Silent Night, Holy Night” was first performed at midnight mass in 1818 in front of this nativity crib, situated on the left side altar in the church of St. Nicola in Oberndorf.
When the Church of St. Nicola in Oberndorf was declared dilapidated due to constant flooding from the river Salzach and eventually demolished in 1906, the “old, dusty parish crib” was given to the religious order “Reverend Sisters” in Oberndorf. From there it went to a junk dealer in Salzburg and then to a clockmaker, Georg Muckenhammer, in Ostermiething. He, in turn, willed it to an old schoolfriend, Johann Veichtlbauer, a priest in St. Pantaleon. This priest moved to the Innviertler Volkskundehaus in Ried in 1933 taking his large folkloristic collection including the valuable Nativity Crib with him, where it can still be seen today.
The graphic designer, Günther Oberngruber, designed the Silent Night postage stamp for 2021 (post value 85 cents), which can be purchased for € 3,-- from the Silent Night Association, also stamps from last year are available. Discount for bulk buyers.
Silent Night Association
Tel. +43 660 2412200
Email: info@stillenacht.at